These reading exercises are to accompany Lesson
It is essential to read daily.
Visit the Rhythm
room to review note values.
Well we have learned that in 4/4 or common time a quarter note
is worth one beat, a half note is worth two beats and a whole
note is worth four beats. What kind of note is worth 3 beats?
A dotted half note.
A dot added to a note increases the notes value by half of the orginal
note. In other words a half note dotted would be a half note plus a
quarter note because half of 2 is one and a quarter note.
Use open E and F. Remember Bert and Ernie - half steps fall between
E - F and B - C. If you are on an E, the very next fret is F.
Ex. 1

In measure 4 and 7 there is a half rest. In 4/4 or common time
the half rest is worth 2 beats. Stop the strings from ringing by either
placing the palm of your picking hand on the strings or using a finger
from your fret hand to stop the string.