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January 11th, 2018 So a quick update: Things are moving along with the material being moved and new lessons are being made at the same time. Unfortunately a lot of my time is being spent on marketing and learning about sales. However if you are reading this then I do want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Not only are you helping me keep the site going, you are giving me much needed hope about the site itself. Just to be clear, you are currently on the old members site and it is moving to the new site which you will find here: August 1st, 2017 Hey everyone, wanted to let you know about big changes happening in both my life and the site. My gig which paid my bills for the last 6 years ended in April and now I'm working full time on the site. So for those who don't know I played 3-4 nights a week at the popular Roxy night club in downtown Vancouver BC Canada! I added up in my time there I played over 900 nights on that stage and somewhere in the 37,000 song range. Crazy! Anyway that is over. Wow, seems weird even to write. But before I go any further though I want to say thank you again for becoming a member. It really means more to me then you could ever know. I started this site in 1999 and had big plans for it but those plans seemed to get put on the back burner time and time again. Usually having to do with playing live, however at this point in my life (45 and a single dad of two boys) I am committing myself full time to the site! I intend on borrowing money to live while I make this happen and want you to know that you paying me for access to this site is really the drive behind the belief that I can do it. That I can make this site get to a point where it pays my bills. So for that I want to say a big thank you! You rock! So you may have noticed there are a lot of changes happening to the free section of the site and what you may not know is there are equally big changes happening to the members section. Essentially all this material here is getting moved to a new platform that will be easier to use and hopefully a lot more fun! I will email you soon with info about the new members section and the plan for what happens to past members whose membership may have expired or is soon too. I'm not sure what that plan is at this point but I know I really want to show my appreciation for you becoming a member when you did! Get started: Lesson 1 Latest Update Did a cover of Passenger's "Let Her Go". Hoping to get a lesson done for it soon!
Recent Updates: Added the jam tracks for Metallica's Nothing Else
Matters and have all the videos listed for learning the song including
the solo. Check it out here! Added fun D diatonic arpeggio exercise to lesson 16. There is an old video on the page explaing it but I am planning on doing a new video and also include a good jam track to play along with. Added 3 note/string scale exercise to lesson 15 - this will be fun to play along with the G7 one chord jam Added D major scale on the D string Got some material up to go with classic rock riff video (arpeggio lick from Sultans of Swing end solo). Check it out! Ok, got some of the material up to go with Treasure video lesson. Click here to check it out! Added Jam track to go along with two new videos on Harmonic Minor Scales and Diminished Arpeggios. Click Here to check it out. Seperate page for the diminished material coming soon. Sorry for the lack of newsletters everyone. I've made a mess with my mail system. Again. But I am working on fixing it. Also been working on lessons 15-17 recently. They are a bit of a mess but will be all sorted out very soon. And once again your membership will be extended :) |
Play Along Jam Tracks |
Lessons I designed these lessons to be used when I teach small groups and one on one. Each lesson represents one 60 minute session and is ment to be practiced daily for one week before moving on to the next. Daily practice is the key, even if you can only do 10 minutes. Lesson 1 is designed for a complete beginner who has never played guitar but does know how to use an electronic tuner to get their guitar in tune. Even if you have played for awhile you may want to work your way through the early lessons just to make sure you understand the terms and get a feel for how the members section works as a whole. With the goal being to have a firm understanding of music theory, the fretboard, how to build any scale or chord, the technique to play anything you want to play, how to improvise and create great solos and how and what to practice to keep you progressing and having fun on the instrument. Each lesson introduces a new idea or concept and uses different riffs and musical examples covering many guitar styles. Whether you like jazz, rock, metal, open your ears and mind. All the riffs used were specifically chosen to help you excel in different areas of the instrument. Each lesson has a section on reading, theory and improvising and progress steadily while reviewing and reinforcing the previous lessons. Lesson 1 -
Open Strings, Finger Gymnastics, Using a pick and Alternate picking,Getting
started with finger picking and learn the intro to Metallica's Nothing
Else Matters Lesson 2 - How to build major scales, C Major scale in open, C Major Pentatonic in open and the main riff to My Girl Lesson 3 - C & Am chords, Build diatonic triads and get started with the wonderful world of improvising Lesson 4 - a closer look at major and minor chords, 2nd position C major scale, intervals and ear training, Em C Am chord progression, plus power chords and rests are used to play Greenday's Brainstew Lesson 5 - key
signatures and relative major and minor, G Major Scale in open, E minor
scale in open, 4 chord progression with G Em C Am and a new strum pattern Lesson 7 - review power chords and rests and learn to play the Megadeth Symphony of Destruction riff, 2 octave C major scale and shifting positions, get started with scale patterns, new strum pattern, plus learn a Cadd2 (also known as Cadd9) chord and a new way to play an open G, then use those chords plus review your D chord and get started on Greenday's Time of Your Life Lesson 8 - A and E chord, A blues scale in 5th position, 5th position C major / A minor scales, simple blues riff and basic 12 bar blues, more power chord review to learn the chorus of Greenday's Blvd of Broken Dreams Lesson 9 - Connecting 2nd & 5th Pentatonic boxes, new scale pattern, the very popular I V vi iv chord progression using a Blink 182 and Greenday Time of Your Life arpeggio pick pattern Lesson 10 - F major scale in 1st, 5th and 7th position, inversions of F major triad on strings 2 3 4, G moveable arpeggio, open G power chord, slash chords and the main riff from Collective Soul's December, Tegan and Sara's Call it Off, RHCP Californication Lesson 11 - 2nd position A major scale, circle of 5th, diatonic triads in the key of F major on strings 2 3 4, new fingerpick pattern, Dm chord and inversions on strings 1 2 3, another slash chord and tripfuse In This Mess Again, sixteenth notes, White Zombie riff Lesson 12 - E major and E minor scales 9th position, mixolydian and dorian modes, sweep picking inversions of G triad on strings 2 3 4, Nirvana Come As You Are and Teen Spirit, octave signs Lesson 13 - D major/B Minor scale in 2nd & 4th (both full scale and pentatonic), inversions of D major triad on strings 1 2 3, Dmajor7th arpeggio in 2nd, more fun with power chords and rests with Veruca Salt Volcano Girl, new strum pattern and easy chords with Oasis Wonderwall, improvising with a one chord jam using Dmajor 7th and connecting 4th and 7th position D/Bm forms Lesson 14 - C major scale in 7th position, 4 and 5 string bar chords, diatonic 7th chords in C and F major, a close look at the dominant 7th chord and a new dominant 7th and major 7th arpeggio,Albert Collins 12 bar blues called Iceman, Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication G major and E minor in 1st and 2nd positions Improv over a dominant chord Sweet Home Alabama
Lesson 17 - Joe Satriani low string exercise, 7th position C scale Lesson 18 - Led Zepplin Whole Lotta Love Lesson 19 - Eric Clapton Crossroads, 12 bar blues, A blues scale in 7th, connecting pent boxes. Lesson 20 - Lit My Own Worst Enemy, octaves |
Vancouver British Columbia Canada 604 357-3551 http://www.musiclearning.com |