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Lesson 15 |
Please note this lesson is under heavy construction. There are probably things on here that do not make any sense. I'm working on getting it all together shortly. G major and E minor in 1st and 2nd positions Improv over a dominant chord Sweet Home Alabama |
Possible Song ideas to go with Lesson Islands in the Sun Em Am D G E Blues scale fun ? |
Scales - Review of G major and E minor in open from lesson 5 |
The scale form to the right is both Em and G major. Play from E to E and you are playing an E minor scale and from G to G you are playing G major. We build major scales with the formula: W W H W W W H We can build minor scales with the formula: W H W W H W W |
Em/G |
The scale forms to the right and below are pentatonic. If we take away the 4th and 7th from the G major scale we have both an E minor pentatonic scale and a G major pentatonic scale. The 4th is C and the 7th is F#. |
Em/G Pentatonic |
Em/G Pentatonic |
G major |
To the left would be G major pentatonic played from G to G. To the right is E minor pentatonic played from E to E. |
E minor |
G Major in 2nd Position This should look familiar to you. This is the same fingering as your 7th position C scale from lesson 14. Note: index finger looks after all notes on 2nd fret, middle finger the 3rd, ring finger the 4th and little finger the 5th. |
G major/E minor Extended |
G major/E minor |
The two fretboards to the right show both the open and 2nd positions scales. |
All the notes from the key of G/Em in the first 5 frets: |
G/Em Pentatonic
1st and 2nd Position ![]() |
We have not learned G major in 4th but the fretboard to the right shows us both 2nd and 4th G major pentatonic positions. | ![]() |
Mixolydian review In lesson 12 we introduced a mode called Mixolydian. Let's now relate that to the G major scale we learned above.
A mixolydian mode can be thought of as a major scale with a b7 (flat 7th degree). So in the case of G major the 7th degree was F#. Lower that back a half step and we get F. Play the same scale with F instead of F# and we hear G mixolydian. Note: it is the 5th mode of a C major scale (meaning it is basically a C scale being played from G to G) The G Mixolydian extended on the far right is the same as the 2nd position C major scale extended from lesson 7. |
G Mixolydian |
G Mixolydian Extended |
Arpeggios Below we will look at 3 types of G arpeggios all in 2nd position. The first is a G major triad consisting of the 1st, 3rd and 5th degree
of a G major scale (G, B and D) Next is Gmaj7th consisting of the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th degree of a G major scale (G, B, D and F#) On the far right is G7 and consists of 1st, 3rd, 5th and b7th (G, B, D, F) Please note that G7 does not belong to the key of G major because of the F natural instead of F#. G7 belongs to the key of C major. (can also belong to C Harmonic Minor but that is for a later lesson :)
G major |
Gmaj7th |
G7 |
Vancouver British Columbia Canada 604 357-3551 http://www.musiclearning.com |