A minor / C major Penatonic Scale
Let's start by using our 5th position
Aminor/Cmajor pentatonic scale. Below is one octave:

Below is 2 octaves plus the high C:

Try playing it up and back down along
with the jam track. First try playing quarter notes and then
swing eighth notes and then eighth note triplets. You can also
try playing some patterns. Up 3 back 1 or up 4 back 2.

Healthy Practice Habits
The more you discipline yourself and
focus on one area at a time, the more you will grow as a player
and musician. It is important to have fun and just jam out but
spend a little time working on the above exercises. Playing
the scales and arpeggios up and back down with different note
values. The more you do that the more fun you will have when
you just let go and jam.
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