Teague Purtell Music Learning
Become a Member and Get Immediate Access to a Step by Step Guitar Method Guaranteed to Make Learning Fun and Easy
- Method created by Teague Purtell
- Learn at Your Own Pace
- Individual Courses or Complete Method

Join today and start meeting with me once a week for Zoom lessons which includes full access to members course!
- Weekly Zoom Class with Teague Purtell
- Small Group or One on One
Register for Zoom Classes and get Bonus 30 Day Full Access Membership
Register Today and you will receive an email with instructions on levels, classes and times!
We value your privacy and would never spam you
Membership vs Online Classes?
Membership gives you 24/7 access to a complete guitar method that you can work through at your own pace. The Online Classes meet once a week at a scheduled time however you will still have access to the complete members section to work on throughout the week.
What Does Membership Include?
Membership includes a complete online guitar method comprised of 26 one hour lessons with sections on theory, scales, chords, arpeggios, rhythm/strumming and improvising. Each lesson has a handful of songs and/or riff choices to choose from that cover the material learned.
How Will it Help Me?
You will gain all the necessary skills to be able to play anything you have ever wanted to play. The material is organized to make learning fun and each lesson reinforces and expands on the previous to give you results that will make you feel great about your playing!
Money Back Guarantee?
Full Money Back Guarantee if you are at all dissatisfied with your membership and the lessons.
Full Course Contents
Here's a break-down of what you will find in the members section:
- A Complete Guitar Method with 26 Step by Step Core Lessons Organized to Provide Direction and get Results
- Play Along Tracks to Learn Songs Fast and make Learning Fun
- Beat by Beat Breakdowns to Learn Songs and Riffs Easily and Properly
- Learn Scales, Arpeggios and All the Necessary Skills to Play Anything and Play it Well
- Jam Tracks for Improvising and Practicing the Lesson Material
- Over 250 Video Lessons
Plus These Individual Courses/Series
- The Secrets of Strumming Series
- Classic Rock Riff Course
- Fingerpicking Series
- Rock/Metal Soloing Series
- Technique Series
New Technique Guitar Course
From Beginner to Advanced, learn lots of cool songs and riffs while also cover strumming, theory, technique, fingerpicking, scales, arpeggios. Pick the class that best suits you:
Register to Get Started
Register now and I will help you get in the right class for you. Be sure to check your email to confirm and receive a link to a questionaire to get started.
We value your privacy and would never spam you
1 Hour Class Each Week
Popular Courses:
- Beginner Guitar Class - for the complete beginner
- 15 Easy Classic Rock Riffs
- The Secrets of Strumming (All Levels)
- Fingerpicking (All Levels)
- 10 Easy Strum Songs
- Rock/Metal Soloing
Hi, my name is Teague and I started Teague Purtell Music Learning and Musiclearning.Com in March of 1999 while living in Cleveland Ohio. Prior to that I had been teaching at local music stores in the area since 1995.
The site was initially started to give my students reference material to supplement their weekly lesson. As the site grew it eventually became a complete online method that would allow almost anyone, anywhere in the world to benefit from the material.
From the beginning the site has focused on beat by beat breakdowns and learning music properly. The goal has always been to create a fun music education website that provided direction, focus and delivered results.
The site currently averages 100,000 page views a month with 30,000 unique visitors.
In 2007 a YouTube channel was created and videos were added to make the site even easier to use. The YouTube channel now has had over 26 million views and currently has 34,000 subscribers.
You can study with me any of these ways:

From the time I started playing guitar I have always been in a band. tripfuse was started in 2004 and new music will be available 2018.