Up to this point all the reading exercises have used steps (major or minor 2nds). From every note we have either gone to the next note higher or next note lower. Space to line or line to space.
This exercises introduces us to reading thirds. In the last lesson we learned that there is a minor third (3 half steps) and a major third (4 half steps or 2 whole steps, whichever you prefer). When reading we will refer to anything other than a 2nd to be a skip.
What we are looking for when sight reading is whether our notes are going from a line to space (2nd's) or from a line to line or space to space (3rd's).
In this exercise everything is moving in steps but we have a sharp ( # ) sign in front of all the F's. Remember a sharp sign raises a note 1 half step.
Ex. 1
 All of the F's in measure 5 will be sharp. We only have to label one in a measure and any others in that same measure will also be sharp.