D Major / B Minor Scale
Every major key has a relative minor. To find the relative minor of
your favorite major key go down a minor third (3 half steps). 3 half
steps lower than D gives us B. D major and B minor are related. These
two keys share the same notes, same key signature and same chords.
Once familiar with these scales go back
Falling Lesson
and try soloing over the midi file.
9th Position
D Major Scale |
- Index finger looks after notes on the
ninth fret
- Middle finger looks after the tenth
- Ring looks after the eleventh
- Little finger on the twelfth
Reminder: Keep fingers as close as possible
to the fretboard at all times.
Listen |
Use alternate picking.
Down up down up etc. |
The high E on the
fretboard is not shown on the staff above. |
9th Position
B Minor Scale |
Notice the same notes
from the D major scale starting and ending on B. |
Note: Concentrate
on using the correct fingers and saying the note names as you play.
D Major
/ B Minor Pentatonic |
Take out the 4th and 7th degree (note) of the D major scale and you
are left with a D major/B minor pentatonic scale. |
Try using this scale to improvise over
this Tom Petty
chord progression in the Key of D - Free
- Become a member and learn the 5 most used
scale positions every guitarist should know. |